
mtools uses the following testing tools:

If you implement a new feature anywhere in mtools, please write a test function or test class for the feature and document it. If you fix a bug, please re-run the test suite after the code change and make sure the tests still pass. Please think carefully before changing code and its related test concurrently, so it still tests the expected behavior and not what you consider as fixed behavior.


tox is required for testing mtools and building the documentation:

$ sudo pip3 install tox

mplotqueries uses the matplotlib library, which requires the FreeType package. If you encounter an error that indicates the FreeType package is missing, install FreeType using your system package manager.

For example, on Ubuntu run:

$ sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libxft-dev

Using tox#

tox creates a virtual environment and installs dependencies. To run the basic code test suite:


To specify a particular test environment:

tox -e flake8


tox configuration is controlled by the tox.ini. It consists of general tox settings, a series of testenvs that can be invoked individually (e.g. tox -e doc), and configuration for certain tests.

minversion = 2.3
envlist = py36
skipsdist = True

deps =
whitelist_externals = make
commands = pytest -v --cov mtools --cov-branch --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered

deps =
commands = doc8 doc
    make clean -C {toxinidir}/doc
    # make linkcheck -C {toxinidir}/doc -- currently cannot handle https
    make spelling -C {toxinidir}/doc
    make html -C {toxinidir}/doc

deps =
commands = flake8

deps = isort
commands =
    isort -c --diff -s .tox -o dateutil -o numpy -o pymongo -o bson -o pytest

deps = pydocstyle
commands = pydocstyle --count

# Ignore target directories
ignore-path = doc/_build*,.tox
# File extensions to use
extensions = .rst
# Maximum line length should be 79
max-line-length = 79

show-source = True
# E123, E125 skipped as they are invalid PEP-8.
# N802 skipped (function name should be lowercase)
# N806 skipped (variable in function should be lowercase)
# F401 skipped (imported but unused) after verifying current usage is valid
# W503 skipped line break before binary operator
# C901 skipped: 'MLaunchTool.init' is too complex
ignore = E123,E125,N802,N806,F401,W503,C901
builtins = _
count = true
statistics = true
max-complexity = 49

tox.ini options#

  • minversion: minimum version of tox to use

  • envlist: Python versions to test against. Also the list of testenvs tox runs when invoked without -e.

  • skipdist: run tox without requiring a setup.py file

  • deps: packages required by [testenv].

  • whitelist_exernals: commands sourced from the local operating system instead of being downloaded and installed by tox

  • doc: Test and build the documentation

  • flake8: run flake8 tests

  • isort: run isort tests

  • pydocstyle: run pydocstyle tests

  • configuration options for the doc8 tests run in the doc environment

  • configuration options for the flake8 tests run in the flake8 environment


In order to run more quickly, tox reuses elements of its virtual test environment. However, when a configuration option changes or a new package is available, tox does not automatically refresh its environment.

If you or someone else changes a configuration option in tox.ini or alters a requirements file, you must force tox to recreate the test environment. You can do this in two ways:

  • Add the -r, --recreate option the next time you run tox:

    $ tox -r
  • Delete the hidden .tox directory in the repository root where the environment is stored:

    $ rm -rf .tox

Most of the time, recreating the tox environment solves tox-related problems. If you are still having issues, check the configuration in tox.ini is correct.

On rare occasions, a new version of an upstream dependency causes a failure. The tox error output should provide some clue in the traceback. Package maintainers will usually fix it these sorts of errors fairly quickly. In the meantime, you can pin that package to the most recent working version in the relevant requirements file. For example:


If you do this, please retest every few days and remove the version requirement when the package is fixed.

Documentation builds#

mtools documentation is written in reStructuredText and built using Sphinx.

You can test and build the documentation by running:

tox -e doc

View the built HTML by opening doc/_build/html/index.html.

If the spelling checker flags a word that should be ignored, you can add it to the doc/spelling_wordlist.txt file.