Style Guidelines#

Before contributing code or documentation to the mtools project, please familiarize yourself with these style guidelines.

Code guidelines#

mtools is not overly prescriptive in terms of style: readability and functionality are the main guiding principles. As a general rule, follow the style used elsewhere in the code and always add meaningful comments.

If you implement a new feature anywhere in mlaunch, please write a test function or test class for the feature and document it.

PEP 8#

mtools adheres to most of the standard Python guidelines provided in PEP 8, with the main exception being that mixedCase function and variable names are permitted in order to match usage in MongoDB (for example serverStatus). flake8 is used for style checking.

Import order#

To improve readability, imports are sorted alphabetically by type of import. isort is used for import structure checking.

Docstrings (PEP 257)#

Please add a descriptive docstring to all new modules, classes, and functions. pydocstyle is used to check docstrings comply with PEP 257.

Documentation guidelines#

mtools documentation is written in reStructuredText and built using Sphinx.

The mtools documentation uses only standard RST and Sphinx syntax. As a general rule, follow the style used in the rest of the documentation.


Indent 3 spaces.

Line length#

Limit all lines to 79 characters.


  • code blocks

  • URLs

Code blocks#

Use the code-block directive and specify the language. For example:

.. code-block:: python

   import re