
mlogvis is a script to visualize log files interactively in a browser, using the d3.js Javascript visualization engine. mlogvis provides an alternative to mplotqueries without the matplotlib dependency, but currently only contains a sub-set of features of mplotqueries.

The script will read a log file, process the data and write a self-contained HTML file to the current working directory. It will then start open a browser tab to display the file. The HTML file can also be sent to somebody and opened by any modern browser (optimized for Google Chrome). An Internet connection is required for dynamic loading of d3 Javascript library.


mlogvis [-h] [--version] logfile

mlogvis can also be used with shell pipe syntax:

mlogfilter logfile [parameters] | mlogvis

General Parameters#


-h, --help

shows the help text and exits.



shows the version number and exits.


This software is not supported by MongoDB, Inc. under any of their commercial support subscriptions or otherwise. Any usage of mtools is at your own risk. Bug reports, feature requests and questions can be posted in the Issues section on GitHub.